OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Ing pte ommen @ hd Vpn é = An pA “A ge pei Det. D. F. Chamberlain 1978 panieses jyBuAdoo 6 OL — Ss: > Gs YUNNAN, WEST CHINA No. Coll. GEORGE FORREST Nk + 1917 ; ; & ‘ang erase Lf of Ait. : a Locality AX wo - Kw p a te " - at: &- ( Lo 2.5 f Ay. P) eS oa Ce tes / kK ime / f A : fiw. Purttpeiss glopharire Ce plow ait hated oe % Determinavit M4) lA ts 35 t-, éeta ae ee : ver cal tippy . Ren, panpad ‘ a 4 , Vals Hack didrewcre 4H rehkely cae
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