OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN NB hn BOTANICAL SURVEY OF INDIA Central Circle, Allahabad. Flora of, d:©: ake ae Family... _N 4p. eee Ou Reh Memes gg Gen. & Bp. BSN IE PAPAL ONS... .Linacn District ....\..9. Locality. vas De BirosPum Ds Alt ane WUT O& “¢ OO Habitat... 2 (Sept eee a ee 2. - . agp, b: mmm, Oey nou A Une. Rms 8 S\nam4, d- lem: Wren bly R Ten OM Ly a tee ar ri ioe notin d Collectoc.......... ie M. A PO a cdot tale Collector’s No.3%53, Date... y: 2. de SWwle eon. Mood andes , Kom xo] cy © ® 77) 2 od not [oom . = 4) Qa ° oO
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