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EE HERB. HORT. EDINB. M@00589 FLORA OF BELIZE No. R.6608 Citharexylum Vernacular name: se) ® FS Sees o r 2 Soe i =) . > a ° a) Belize District. Gale’s Point (sea to Quashie Trap lagoon) seaward end, c. 2 km S of Bar River mouth, Transect 25 c. 17°13’N 88°18'W. In scrubby area with large palmetto clumps. Slender shrub to 2 m. Flowers white. Date: 27 7 1991 Coll.: J.A. Ratter, R. Atkinson, H.A. Bisset & S. Bridgewater ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN INBURGH 10 E£01377289
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