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HERB. HORT. EDINB. a 0 wn g og g = ge} ® > ra daa. 2 het £ FLORA OF BRAZIL A > ae 2. State of Golas 3 No. R. 7426 Casselia Rio das Almas, 13°55'S 47°23'W, 47km from Alto Paraiso de Goias on the road to Teresina de Goias. In sparse campo sujo on sandy soil. Small perennial herb. Flowers violet. Date: 12 xi 1994 Colls: J.A. Ratter, Newton R. de Oliveira, Nelson Oliveira Pais, S. Bridgewater, Cassia Munhoz, T. Pennington, J.F. Ribeiro & Anna P. Silva. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH wt Sr
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