OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH £01351989 Ex. BOTANY DIVISION, D.S.I.R., CHRISTCHURCH, NEW ZEALAND Duplicate of No. 185999 CHR. __AetphgViasubflabeliate fC bee.Canterbury Province, Waimakariri Catchment,Cass. Hab 4800 ft. “Low tussoek grassland. Coles a Renee By & MeN-Philapson 3603 ** 131-1969 Remar: 8: Rosette of very pale gregn, leaves forming hemi spherival,veny sharply spined tuft. Central Remarks: COlumnal inflorescence to about f ¢ 3 fis. spe bracts loosely spreading,whole infloresc : ame ence Yet Low. copyright reserved * oO + Q g © =
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