OCR text
MQG0493 ke} o > i ® 7) ® ey ~ = = Se > a a ce) 0 Ex. BOTANY DIVISION, D.S.I.R., CHRISTCHURCH, NEW ZEALAND Duplicate of No. 193888 Aciphylla similis v loc. Temple Basin track, 4000 ', Canterbury, Hb Waimakariri Catchment, Type locality. ab. Col.W.R. & M.N.Philipson 3605 . Date: 14nd 969 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Det. Bate EDINBURGH WAV | Remarks: Rosette herb. “eaves yellowish-green. Inflorescence stems & bract sheaths yellow £01351984 Flrs cream. F : S.LR. 619
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