OCR text
5 wa se) o ra ® " 2 a = re 5 2 ° 3) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH. CULTIVATED PLANTS. 1953 Buddleia. ox Lifdrostachya Kranglin. seat eee annem lm. Mn iii 0 Temperate indoor shrub of 4-£%, Branches E0014 densely grey, woolly, Under leaf woolly, yellow-brown, Upper leaf yellowish-green, Calyx green, hairy. Tube hairy. Lobes pale heliotrope, Inside tube orange, Anthers Buddleia candida Dunn brown. Pollen white, Stigma green, Ovary Det. A. J. M. Leeuwenberg, 19.2... Herbarium Vadense (WAG) closely white haired,
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