OCR text
MQQ@589 | x} co Pad i fo n o bes a) non D ‘= > fo} fe) oO CULTIVATED PLANTS XB 42 Sl Greenhouse-Nov.29, 1965 F, Buddleia asiatica Lour. (45-549-1) X B. hastata Prain ex Marq. (56-161-13) Hybrid made Jan.7,1959 by R.J. Moore. Potted plant 7-8 ft tall. Corolla white with very faint trace of pink, throat orange, strong sweet odour. ROYAL BOTANIC GAR EDI we Chromosome number 2n=38 R.J.M. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA, CANADA RB178 25947—Fsm—t1s9
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