OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UUM E01344997 _ Widely distributed in Europe—Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, 8. ex HERBARIUM OF MISS I, M. HAYWARD, F. L. S. PRESENTED 1920. 1462 C. Solstitialis L. St Barnaby’s Thistle. Syme E. B. v. t. 712. Austria, Adriatic coast, Hungary, Serbia, Transylvania, Greece, often adventive there and elsewhere in Europe. Caucasus, Syria, Taurus, Persia, Mesopotamia, Egypt. Adventive in S. Australia —Adelaide (!) ; New Zealand—North and South Islands ; North America—-California, especially in alfalfa fields. Annual, 3-10 dm., canescent; stem winged, especially in the upper part; radical leaves lyrate-pinnatifid, upper narrow-oblong, entire; flower-heads with no subtending leaves, ovate-ovoid, usually arachnoid, membranous-margined ; involucral scales spiny with the terminal spine beset with side spines, the inner ones with no spine but a jagged scarious appendage ; florets bright yellow. First record: Banks of the Tweed near Melrose, Roxb., in two places | attaining a height of two feet, Stuart, 1868, in Proc. Berw. 78, | 1869-72. First record for Selk., I. M. H., in 7'r. Bot. Soc. Edin. 41, 1909. Near the mouth of the Gala, Selk., thence at various places along the Tweed to Dryburgh, Roxb. Seen frequently and usually of vigorous growth. Flowering August to October. Det. G. C. Druce. copyright reserved M000327
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