OCR text
HERBARIUM OF 1454 CenraureaA Cyanus L. Cornfields in Berw., Johnston /7. : WARD, F. Le & 189, 1829; now rare, Johnston WV. H., 1853; at Galafoot, MiSs I. M. HAYWARD, Selk., I. M. H. in 7’r. Bot. Soc. Edin. 41, 1909. Here often PRESENTED 1940 of garden origin. r (nflouneo. Mn ad. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Cer ating ” _ 7 ag on oluem EMriok : tnd. : i000 ints He Tes BM ecu 01344896 “| xo} o Pa bee o ” o Pa a Ho 2 a > a ° o MQ00327
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