OCR text
Gladiolus atropurpureus Baker Determined by P. Goldblatt 1988’ [440 Missouri Botanical Garden (MO) bay mostly py op | Mfpes Ce ae fo Cemroun pw htrst, he bea htusteo SpUeLte demon, — a ne art Q Aun bh sth 7 oe 4 tab i P ak ; nesl«or, vere Mekal ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ; OAM os Date Si Jen. 196) E01341842 Bole Bart No. 414) d EN oy / FLORA OF SOUTHERN AFRICA ee alow... Posie MaLesa Mt. , SS0d (i. ' ie Sone eal edplo f wok disks Co emu xo} a) Pa a ® 77) 4 a no DY = > 2. fe) 3) MQ00322
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