OCR text
ROYAL ereeuee 7 i TT HERB. HORT. EDINB. ee eS IN EEE a Sam aE NC A ARS ot Shoot 7 MOSS HERBARIUM UNIVERSITY OF 0° WITWATERSRAND C Ie } I3 hpWo Z te ery | e Tr Ps Se a hn LB Dans boon Legit & No. 3& ley Hable Care Ryo cos collep ted by Lay hewyson on Ole. Conha ft besween Notes ‘ Dolom te. ard ek dren sone Flowers / Bey ne yatta a oe dee, Mauve Older flim. i Be pirkoy Fully opener Flan typ “peels shhh 3 by katy Turnal beck copyright reserved ~ N a Q > =]
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet