OCR text
[ HERB. HORT. EDINB. st oO Ww g g fay) = 10 =| == Pris 3 6 iowa: ie) copyright reserved mn South Viét Nam £ First Darwin Expedition (SVFDE) Coll. No. 42 Date: 29 Aug 2001 a Pages: Family: Orchidaceae Name: Apostasia wallichii R.Br. | Locality: Vict Nam : Lam Dong Thanh Pho p aLat.: x4 a 0) cm Xuan Tho (Commune): Xuadn Tho Station Tr, population. . Remnant warm temperate forest with Taxus wallichiana and Dacrycarpus imbricatus . 1275 m. 1] deg \ 54'39"N, 108 deg 31'23"E. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ee Description: Subshrub to 75cm; flowers - EDINBURGH pale gr IONE a a E00148661 Collectors: M.F.Gardner, P.Thomas, N.D.T Luu, N.V Ch ‘Lau, N.V.Chi
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet