OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01337953 HERB. HORT. BOT. UNIV. CANTAB. Entry no. and provenance — Place in garden x ( Brpjeicele Notes Larranlh Cola ee tee lrke, unlk [alt CY wah faslhs 7 ak Leac. yea d) tL, 25 a Vast ot 29/ ‘ at- es baci bee pis ape nll a plain fe 639 [2 Bee). tram tl fal fe Myo akgwos Lovings . Wha D psrcauth - oy ea) with foes joke game. Bae 5 507. oe arf riot Aa Vr os. ie )) LtLyba, ao) ca = he o ” 4 oa na Da ‘= ) a fe) iS) MQ00322
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet