OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. COUNTRY, PROVINCE, LOCALITY ey wend he. HABITAT (VEGETATION/SOIL TYPE ETC.) xo} ® Ps a i) n o = va = eo) oe 4) Qa fo} is) Sama a G4. ALTITUDE DESCRIPTION OF PLANT, USES a {oo Compe Vi Ra CR Ih i ces a y iy 7 WoT} Etin Vans x : ae Vow \ oe ; ) ¥ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH wn 0 MATERIAL | Her} sovt| tn] cam. [woos] ove [ » | Photo, £00141152 DATE 2 xy GOLLECTO 2413/93 JS Collar NUMBER : eek. EIR
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet