OCR text
—— ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ng AU uN HoLlorTyPE R. peliop peptum Bo Lf if Afow, n ine ne Fe. o : i“ Bag feed “Um ( Bal{ | 4 Forr.) Cham 6. Determinavit DF Chic A Age ba ~ pamesesyy6ukdoo ’ =e Coll. GEORGE FOR SGN Determinavit No. wats 1919 , Alt. ee Seg Locality Rehan - Kua -c4 fammk Hrwe ole, Lel-.. oF § roth. Kost 9 F te led: inition ie 2 a. fx pale \ fb, . . CW O Aten oe « % : : f C & = é , r Paty i Le d L¢ fo , ——_ b> a‘ | a’ » & J te 4a Ee 2
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