OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Wy 1 0 E00001096 pensesal yBiuAdoo 1(n) aizoides subsp. nov. €¢ y les F.B.6, Ekiné, 20:73 (1Ga) Inter socios ob flores luteos et perulas persistentes recognoscenda. ; The yellow flowers and persistent bud-scales are the outstanding characters of this easily recognisable subspecies. Rock 10108 (type of subsp. aizoides. ‘‘ S.E. Tibet : Mt. Kenyichunpo, region of Champutong, Salwin-Irrawaddy watershed. 1923.’”) Rock (22584). Distribution : S.E. Tibet ; Mt. Kenyichunpo, Champutong, Salwin- Irrawaddy divide. - tii JHoLoyy PE I. Sanguineum TY: subse cuzerdes Cowon 2 R Ganguinkum Ep, Se Tented oan : . (Bed}.}. Fou) Chamt- Determinavit D Chonmlule— |999 hk 0 beth TK essigil R se Determinavit PLANTS OF SOUTHEASTERN-TIBET Mount Kenyichunpo and region of Champutong, Salween- Irrawadi watershed No. 1 0 1 0 8 J. F. ROCK, Collector 1923 Type Specimen
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