OCR text
MQQ0493 mo) ® ra ® n co) ih — co = ‘= > Qa fe) 1) FLORA OF THAILAND C. F. van Beusekom, C. Charoenpol 1917 | Orchidaceae 30.10.1969 ef. Abdominea minimiflora (Hk.) J.J.Sm. (= micrantha J.J.Sm.) E. Thailand, prov. Nakhon Ratchasima man Pak Thong Chai, Sakaerat For. Res., “ along Huai Krae stream. . Be a5 102° 4g Alt. c@. 400 m. Dry evergreen forest. ; On branches, low, moist place. Lvs lightgreen. Fls minute, pale green with some pale salmon— ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ine EDINBURGH Ms : IAAI = E01318140 Expedition of the Rijksherbarium, Lalden, Netherlands, and the Forest Herbarium, Bangkok, Thailand, sponsored by DITH, Netherlands, and the Thai Government.
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