OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH VMN 1318013 HERBARIUM OF THE VICTORIA BOTANIC GARDENS, SOUTHERN CAMEROONS Herb. No. «3.4%... we S....Gardens No. ....2274%2....<0 Family ..... OPK AIA BD ARSENE vii. cesesceeseesseeseceeseessres Name. fN.&AA: BALUL....... 2 BiKRINIENSE. Roere Weocal Name. 5-0 fic. oc. sceceaccnte ce-ncnusevsenerenregece en L.oeeity or Origiti.® 02.2... <c.0:sece<sop<caeospeconses ee msesente Coll.2 35 Mi AW te... Date... Lf Of IGS 1. o:..225- Notes SCGP 197/1058/3,000 st oO Ww g g g = ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved
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