OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH CULTIVATED PLANTS Name ARACANAS ee gr ale in "ek heii i walounsy app Qe. + Qreany AMI leases, Posed purvle. ndensar ond 01313971 mee MRD alr Ke, avvrenaed advernakaly erad urflorenom ce. Onsunoy Yavoudk eng svookh opposite te Wede. Tutlovresce e eock oe : —— CSCOum Botred moron , oe ee \ ont = Morven, ote, erec. sexe, ofetiet, ee ager. Fann sea Garden location GQ. U®S Date 4.9, ox copyright reserved DonorAS-Bae ON : Det./Verif. V D t44Q skated adn Sobel Details of original collection Saloahh. Hie 26 Koeln Kinaloalu to Sensuron mas. 3000’, Tani9+2, RBGE No. #20048,
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