OCR text
DZ / : nac Man ‘ ya" ee % | i 7 Me ft Cr Kearse ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i Herb. Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh FLORA OF SARAWAK Aru K..... Division: Stoo 7 4 Uh his G eG 4 Ger “ Ll. Gig teas 7,4 phagle. witty libre c fats yeu -{[ @ewms TASH Pee Ope lets ge llarrb-f ven h bom, Cp whi pyre S btiint al feo i ecyod Ane, belisec,, ) Celia Cen ucidiak -Oocrm Ort ater (4 Llug 196Q, Yella while verre & 7 hati ; B.L. Burtt and P.J.B. Woods ma No. a 2F 3a copyright reserved
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