OCR text
HOLOTYPE poeAseses yyHUAdoo 2 R. Sang uncum Fr, var. $ bry ecaanmn Det. D. F. Chamberlain [499 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN OC NC i fe. gt patton Fr Coisar ~ Noles R.B.6, Eok af 1(c) guineoides subsp. nov. : : : ; : 29:64 C1440) A typo perulis persistentibus differt. : While this subspecies agrees very closely with the typical form of the species it may be distinguished by the persistent bud-scales. The distinctive name removes doubt as to whether this form should be placed under the typical form or under subsp. didymum, forms with both gland- ular and tomentose glandular ovaries are in this instance included. The flowers are crimson-red. Rock 22203 (type of subsp. sanguineoides. “‘S.E. Tibet, Tsarong, northern slopes of Mt. Kenyichunpo, north of Sikitung, Upper Salwin River. Shrub 2 ft. Flowers red, alpine regions. Alt. 13,000 ft. May- June 1932.”’). Rock (10105), (10259), 22204, (22576), (22577), (22578), (22579), (22581), (22582), (22583), (22984). Distribution: S.E. Tibet ; Tsarong, northern slopes of Mt. Kenyi- chunpo, N. of Sikitung, Upper Salwin River. Type Specimen YL. WO~G Wrrb nn aa. ot). e, : CAa a Sam gq uinvorcles a Determinavit PLANTAE ROCKIANAE Expedition of the University of California Botanical Garden to Southwestern Ching Plants of Southeast Tibet Province of Tsarung Rhododendron sanguineum Franch, forma Shrub 2 feet. ‘Flowers red. Alpine regions. Altitude 13,000 feet. Northern slopes of Mt. Kenichunpo, north of Sikitung, Upper Salwin River. Joseph F, Rock, No, 222032 May-June 1932 i
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