OCR text
MeeQ0493 Revised ‘for Flora Malesiana Acriopsis javanica Reinw. ex Blume var. javanica det. /19 82 M.a. Winderhoud No. 97/32. Mt. Kinabalu Botanical Expedition. Name ‘of plant,......,, OP@BEM e542 2 i Collectors, J. and M. 8. Clemens. Country, B. N. Borneo, Mt. Kinabalu. So ® ; ® n 4 od <= 2) := > Qa ° 2) Locality, ...... Bet.Dallas..and.Tenompok, Habitat........ Qn..stump..by..pony..treadal..... FIGight Of Plant ine sce ocnsc ime tient ene cant a aes - Digtae Ler eh see ies os Oreo eee coe ’ Flower, PAnk.te--purpLe..or.lavandar,... (Color, odor, ete. . ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Nm wool. SASh shnite eon martina... | Forage? Rerun icici eee cae «ess eee eee eon ee Gu. WicGmOmile: WSOencceoce nrc eee-e wh oo oss stew ie occetewan k Special Mobes,....-....seeceeercereesesneseereeveeccessecceees Date,.. ApVAL..2/32.,
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