OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN U EDINBURGH E£01313119 HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF THAILAND Herbarium, Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai University ning Mai, Thailand £8 SE@ED CaBACED-s ae : ‘COMIROR® Nite: tise aa ee Province: District: ; Hye Sef Midge, Mae Soi Subdictrict, neer Ben Bah Gleay Location: 4200 & Perch 1991 Elevation: gartiy open ered@-on Biggp bagixe Roy. Dal@tare. (Pinneene) in the nixed Habitat: Sveestet® tarédved & pine foreets grank te bedrock * epiphyte; peewdebulbe dull dart red-browilen/greyiah, olustereds sten & Notest@eatene® greeny pedicels wiriticn, svory ligot greens te ale yellow with brownish Blet melially; lint spichile w itieh with * violet dots at dave, eidelabes & hypochile,coium @ull » lov-greerish; }esfless 310246 s Collected By: J.F Maxwell Number: duplicates: xo} cD e co 7) 2 aol << SD = ) fo} ° iS) Meee493
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