OCR text
a A = = —= - cia aaa Sh 30. MQ00589 BY XYSEIS xo} cy Pad i ® 77) oO pa eat = gy 7 > Qa fo} iS) Herb. Francis (Buchanan) Hamilton, M.D., F.R.S. [Presented to University oF Epinnurcn, 1830. | ¥ Sa Satie Original Number. 79 9 ie snd Galews G5 re vs Name, etc., from Dr. H.’s MS. Catalogue. eee i Gy bane. Ath, ji, teh. Sl. fer Li 9b? cpcan woe, teliaors, eee |IMNMIIN E01304268 sae Ge St ger © “Ser $fo0g Bore ae AAMLT Ganghlevit A ise uly rtd.
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet