OCR text
L HSSaa 49499Y91C Ke x-rite fexe)| r ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i | HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH. W.A, | copyright reserved FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Arts othe Ll ae ae | aagog: ¢ Beceecieg Money Laces Cuececoeg 4 | C = Ee loc ALEX 3ON 4 Gf O. | Coll. Arex. Morrison e S//F/ | ‘ ogg i 2 s 4g VtdF Le x £. & / 4 A Ketos ; ; v Lat Fig Tet f . t— - y f/ A ne_tine, CAlepak P4555 ‘ 5 a x arene teats, Nety the loz do t : j A A Peak wa rere hate Tes tacgen O4 ac Mer Seales SE Opececdes Fete sada pevadle Liu Uc bate. lhulakepol Aormveadieg ee a tle befeen if (le treed Ape). or Mey retdie, Gee, Cd ty, ath, eis Livle fagy ile Ip Wha bepesle.— hr thes dace A- / 7 ’ s hls, Lan MadefF Pe tees foe Liege, Y =
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