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HORT. EDINB. 4 LEST FLORA OF NEW GUINEA Botanical Collections of the National Herbarium, DPI, Office of Forests, Lae. LAE 77593, K. Kerenga, 28/5/80 Locality: Mt. Buruman. Wantoat Sub- province. Morobe Province. Altitude 2,000 m. 10 i) 3) copyright reserved Lat.: 6° 10' § Long.: 146° 30' E Habitat: Montane forest. te Annot.: Epiphyte. Leaves young leaves purplish green, matured mid green. Flowers purple. Fruit purplish green. Fam.: Orchidaceae Name: Appendicula gnemophila ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN (Schltr. ) J.J. Sn. wi sea ae ain, AE
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