OCR text
a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ii HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH C 14319 CULTIVATED PLANTS Name Apyaerticwt Observations in cultivation Mant c. Ioems nigh, leaves clark Jord green wth promenwt aprcwtnk : { plows in hunebes . ) 4-6 a , "i pee a pode green Heseypir braces | Garden location Date 2/ 25 Donor Det./Verif. Details of original collection Collactiol 1%9 ty Cle Jemeg Sa Tava : Tj cboas, bhelieta S— § 00044 RBGE No, 69/327 | | xo] o > a ® 7) ci) he Pa ES Roy he ~ fos fo} co)
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