OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH £01307109 A neck PEOMmdhoa Glue Fide Wood, Beaman & Beaman (1993) Orchids of Mt. Kinabalu p-A3 FLORA OF THE MALAY ISLANDS Clemens Expedition for the British Museum Collectors, J. & M. S. CLEMENS. Island or Province BeN.Bs Locality. 2.2... Dallas,Kinabalu. _ ; Habitat Deep gorge, by stream _ Altitude above sea............. Tree, shrub, vine, herb. Height of plant... Diameter, breast high......... Flower. GP@OM.. (Colour, odour, etc.) rut ee ss hn cote ee (Kind, use, odour, colour, etc.) Special notes... cece Wo. QE ZIA rBOVb-3/316 (50423X) Wt 30222/142 160 Pads 4/31 H, J,R &L,Ld Gp 616 iets Gapaagehn daca ea ft. 9 s ae] ® Pa is 1 Yn o = ~ £ fey) = >) rod fe) (3)
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