OCR text
Mee0e0564 FLORA OF THE MALAY ISLANDS Clemens Expedition for the British Museum Name......... OPCHLAS « ae] cy Pad i cH 7 ® — dee conf (oy) <j Ps 2. ° cS) Collectors, J. & M S. CLEMENS. . 3 ww Island or Province..............0a @e 0... Nai’ Locality. Habitat& it Altitude above sea. 329 Tree, shmmb. vine, sherb. ae a ee Height of plant... oe Diameter, breast high......... Flower....... Green4 sh (Colour, odour, etc.) (Kind, use, odour, colour, etc.) Special wiotes ee, sos cee seeker ee Economic uses Appendrata pardula Blume ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | | I In Fide Wood, Beaman & Beaman (1993) (60428X) Wt 80222/142 160 Pads 4/31 H,J,R &L, Ld Gp 616 0 108 : | ae Orchids of Mt. Kinabalu p HQ
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