OCR text
st oO wn 2 a ®Q = ,/ Sf i pe hy 1 co} ® rs o 7) 2 vo iS Ro} = > (oll ° ° Appendiceula louguroderalra Ales 4 C. Scar wonQ. Fide Wood, Beaman & Beaman (1993) Orchids of Mt. Kinabalu ? AN PLANTS OF MOUNT KINABALU B. N. Borneo : pa secede No did, R08 USt. 25, Les SeeG sg M.S. CLEMENS 219812332" Apia Ted ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN P jpnkkok felic. ake W. 6,c0G ft. EDINBURGH NOM Fi. Groam white. £01307094 Upper Kinabalu, 6000—13500 feet
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