OCR text
<I © un 2 Q © = Aopamdicula eisvale Blume Fide Wood, Beaman & Beaman (1993) Orchids of Mt. Ki ° Kinabalu PBB. FLORA OF THE MALAY ISLANDS Clemens Expedition for the British Museum copyright reserved Locality... Badd. Habitat Altitude above sea... Dg QQQ.cnnnmnnnnnnft, Tiree, sShrub,vine, het. eee eee Height of plant............ Diameter, breast high... TloweGe see cee Creamy: purp 8 (Colour, odour, etc.) BRU sccieceeedeientnezreonserdzepeeSeseeteepersce Sen emreer eee areal ee (Kind, use, odour, colour, etc.) Special notes... sack eon Beonomie 1809: 200 22. cred ee ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 31 yee EDINBURGH No. 0989 Date DOS 4 ea ie MA | Siri nin ka £0130708
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