OCR text
Meee564 Upprarilic MA fu aK Ht (Ara) My FLORA OF THE MALAY ISLANDS 4 Clemens Expedition for the British Museum oS A DDB. Collectors, J. & M.S. CLEMENS. me] ® re ) 1) 2 a = ) = > fox fe} oO Island or ‘Province Locality i.e» Habitat ...... Altitude ADOVE SCA... -cccccnjeccsesegionnogy ee Miree Shna), ville, Nel Dak a ancasese areca, erent (Of DIAN tested tl eat ee Miameter, Dredst Wipe sarcastic sees tt el ft. Flowet...........4-case gir ee gure te~strk pe = (Colour, > ote ay Fruit..... A pend Korsdon COno Ona €o\. TS Pte tines, eacuse lesion et a SCIEN TOL CS 2 ae acces ceecasreid arn és Fide Wood, Beaman & Beaman (1993) é Orchids of Mt. Kinabalu p .§> Economic use ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN sabia EDINBURGH 2)? ae cee tip erie / SSI aR NOM soi) Wi2msI06 BPs Se HL REL LA Opa £01307077
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