OCR text
ty a ) PAPUA Botanical Collections of the Division of Botany, Department of Forests, Lae. LAE 63143 N.M.U. Clunie & 29/6/75 G, Larivita. fo) = ie) o . ® 77) a i pos = > roy ro) ) 9 Locality; Iaro logging area; SEs slopes of Mt. Giluwe Subdist.. lalibu, Dist. Southern Highlands. Alt. 2300m 6 10 SLong.: 143 57£ Habitat: Steep (about 50) lower gulley slopes with smallish (15-30cem d.b.h.) trees of mixed broadleaf species dominant in the canopy at about 20-25m In Nothofagus pullei-dominant altitudinal zone but Fagaceae absent in moist, shaded gulleys. Good surface drainage. Annot.: Epiphytic herb, at about 15m on moss-covered trunk of Turpinia (LAE 63144). Leaves dark green above; paler below. Flowers corolla pale green. Local Name: NARUMBU used in wigs. Lat shiny Fam.: Orchidaceae ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Name: Aglossorhyncha biflora J.J. Sm. EDINBURGH MIN Dupl to: BAI CANB A K NSW £01307001 M BISH—QRS—PNH BO SING —-US—BM- wr. Kittredge \
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