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HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH CULTIVATED PLANTS Name Prahossovn dace ‘aS love Observations in cultivation Connon Yo YS cm: golden \ormon. Leoveo te SS xb Dom, MU, wd- Green clive, pales baneath. Waves oma Un paus oy tres & come, bviQny pate green, wid- areen lodoellom Cwrhos cop purple. Foi 5 4 copyright reserved Scan’. Garden location Date \¥.2%. AH i @ ug - Donor - Det./Verif. alee ooh, ¥. Weeds =] =I Details of original collection Papua Wes Qumo, Eda Geok ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN oe. EDINBURGH See gude. collecion iL fO8E We. 35. agy5
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