OCR text
68S000W Fe SP Ieria 1 no . B iin « €Y a pensesai yyHiuAdoo FLORA AEGAEA pechen Scandix speettumveneris L. LESVOS. ympos of Ayiassos. gali Limni (now slopes of mt. O1 drained) ) km N.W. N. at site of Me n G “d a0 u ow § oS rca oO 4 ay SB 6s eo Fr oadia ag 7 2 4 & SS o 3 & qd ° da aq & 3 May, 1978 Alt. 350 m J.R. Edmondson EDINBURGH ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 2379 B. & M.A.S. McClintock E01288759
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