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HERB. HORT. EDINB. 9 copyright reserved i 10) i 3 © i FLORA OF NEW GUINEA ORCHIDACEAE a a NAME A groste phy [lum lamellatum ree Crith 0 o LOCALITY Landa » Komo subdistrict ) Tari District, [ Southern Hig blsads frovinc rw HABITAT 7 Aeccestrial ALT. [650m NOTES ( ae zi Wot, ptt Atae, o nflererceaset, =f is 5 phot Iflortetnees +o fOves Jems, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH WWMM = REEWENE 500° DATE 7. vi. I9Fo 01296850 DUPLICATES LAE, K, L, E, CBG, NSW, AMES, uric,
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet