OCR text
ORCHIDACEAE Aa Rchb. f. det: A. Alvarez, 2006 The New York Botanical Garden Meee564 fi 4 ® ” 2 et = BS k= ) Qa fo} [S) By he acilion pm GF He Andis SP IP -IF3G, au, € + Rates hb 4, an Kher ftpent Hr Atutes deus w ; Sn ncenr, Ay ahindn ating Lr /p” 5 tik, Leaute few, “ern haat, hQdewslenm keororn tra Kf ee J, Z z ‘ : 12, 5g $t. (6/3/1939, ROYAL BOTANIC GAROEN | - IMAAIAMME —oeerinoss (8 Garey, 0 Be, Aime Bn tr fae
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