OCR text
f Meee0564 ORCHIDACEAE Aa matthewsii (Rchb. f.) Schltr. det: A. Alvarez, 2006 The New York Botanical Garden BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH a Fide p a0 ae Cron. wi Sp. (Onch PQ : ~ HUA, BLO). awe 8 9 10 copyright reserved 2 a Se ae re he ) ry ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wy 0 35717 are | ‘ (VV 109/226 , | 2 LPLTANSTEL WMA YALEACES NUAI# , (NIOE KM WEK pees assis ee | llenrtMecntn fiat acer. Kul x2 7 ae 0
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