OCR text
OD 0 Ww g g g = ras mh f | \x Herb. Shuttleworth. “7#s~ Orrbiceke Sale Ard, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN copyright reserved EDINBURGH LZ. luryuple,tacsn SOU, NTL es vz COL AG ZC ° £01286049 iS - Sale thellu(thom forse lilo beeen Ze < LO c boos Bie. iV, . ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN r a ii . > 2 wo ff owe % . of fe alee FAAP H EG Bl Ons 2 eZ iiss eid : be Z ¢ a : 4 i pe ° ‘ Biot, FEL a az’ £ fe Le ot ae
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