OCR text
M@G0322 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH 10 copyright reserved A. c dy. LV pharlagines AWW, ia aa Determinavit Mp 7 firroll Kos a Cot. InHand ee 5 Gelber 1 13 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN > E01292111 1827 E. plantagineum L. 4 Syme E. B. vi. t. 1096. Flora Graeca t. 179. 8. Europe—France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Adriatic coast Greece,/ Turk Syria, Asia Minor, Palestine, N. Africa, Madeira, Canaries. Adventive in New Zealand. Herbaceous, 2-13 dm., with elliptic-oval lower leaves, bristly with spreading hairs seated on small tubercles ; flowers all bracteate, very handsome, purplish-blue or violet-purple, 2°5-3°5 cm. long, the tube suddenly and greatly enlarged upwards. First found on Tweedside, I. M. H., October 1913. Among herbage by the side of the Tweed near its junction with the Gala, Selk. Strong plants flowering in October. :
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet