OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Tarn PLANTS OF THE PLANALTO DO BRASIL Collected for The New York Botanical Garden by W. R, Anderson, S, R. Hill, R. Reis dos Santos, and R. Souza Estado de Goids Serra do Caiapé Gerardia hispidula Mart, det. D. Prileox, 1975 Ca, 12 km (straight line) S of Caiapénia; elev, 860 m; cerrado sloping down to gallery forest, and brejo {sedge meadow) at edge of forest. Herb 4O cm tall; corolla pink; wet soil near forest. ' Whiiiam R, Anderson 9507 30 April 1978 Field work supported in part by funds from the National Science Foundation field and conducted with the collaboration of the Universidade de Brasflia and the Instituto de Pesquisas e Experimentagiio Agricola do Norte. oO 00 Ln 2 a g = copyright reserved
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