OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ED E INBURGH i 01 sestrerraceae Un 02,201-25 Determinavit (Agate, aT iy E Museo botanico Hauniense Thai-Danish Botanical Studies Flora of Thailand Collected During the 4th Expedition 1964 10853 by Bertel Hansen, Gunnar Seidenfaden and Tem Smitinand. Om Koi to OmGé& Haet, Climber in evergreen forest by a dry stream, fls. yellow, frs- yellowish green, not common. Alt. Looo m. det. Hook J. 2 Borwag| xo} o _ cy 77) z o—] = f°) ‘= > a fe) [o) MQ00589
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet