OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH wn cL eon FLORA OF ana ah Field No... BO7®...............Date. O@RODOF 30,1925, ie cy) A} Locality... 1]. Bk Nanchuan-hsien Si BA EEE Ce RCE OLS CPE EEE PLIGG: co. oc50n 20. 1< scons coacsetes Yes BE Habitat...... RS. SORABl We. 00... ceecees St Habit oe a ee e. Ss Gk RA BK Height. ee oa aes pt Ey Placa yea qunaascts ssc0s. carer eie mE med Se cae RRA xo} a) Pad i 1) n 2 net on = ‘= Po) Qa fe) 3) MQQ0589
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