OCR text
FAN MEMORIAL INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY FLORA OF YUNNAN Field No. 18269 Date. Decell, 1936 Locality... Monhua, Wenpihsiang... __ Altitude 2000 Ms Habitat im thicket abit: MMe fy oe PO ede nk " Height __ 598 Ptepan id aplasia Bark Yellowish white tomentose nee -peneath Flower brick red Fruit. Notes... Common... Common Name___ E ‘Familyserophul aria OYAL BOTANIC GARDEN : x EDINBURGH ; { Name _ Brandisia HANCE: (He). WLI ae E£01283141 Seen ee xo} co) Pd — co) n 2 aed on 4 a > Qa ° 3) MQ00589
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