OCR text
M0589 xo} a) Pd i 1) n 2 aa ony DS ‘= Po) Qa ° oO Pos nr AedCa Toe Hosh f- Det. D. R. McKean 10.1-19°'73 Provinee du Kouy-Tcurov (Chine. ) Verofularniels a (Ne: F076) Caste Shel, Hants “yu ; yy, Harned , Fool GG. $3 be Stelrony, Le lope Go (ow ee ek, oS pu bout Deen, bx igep Plat L "erthey ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Sees gaunes - paudn’ EDINBURGH Cue frouryney ~ youne’, ERBAR Rp, Xo t AM OF eee o 2 Wee fae EMILE BODINIER E01283136 é af g des Missions-Etrangeres de Paris. MONSEIGNEUR LEVEILLE
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