OCR text
MG00589 = o c oe | 2 Bk > Aeollanblus repeas Ol. nip 8 det. O. Ryding 1995 im ke ite) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH. m fx PLANTS OF Aéxuya & Collected by 7. 4. Pearrpr, Pa Date Altitude Number yf Place of Collecting wJonatl hla in jes _ Remarks. por plawes. Felidge, Lend ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN eyed Dae a a oe Z oS iy WWM nee eee re BQ. Hhowmny wiK c fire Teichagewingg a Aad ue apfiaravut, antl dabuidy PA een ae ae
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