OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH me) oO e (3) 2) 3) & — = fey ‘= > 2. fe) iS) a FLORA OF ALBABRA Acampe pachyglossa Reichb. f. West Is.:about 40m N.W. of old mill 2 ne on Passe Femme in closed Pemphis - Sideroxylon - Maytenus scrub over very rough chatipignon, growing on es wa | Pemphis and Sideroxylon logs ‘ i 3 outer and 2 inner petals yellowish- \ green with dark red transverse banding the superior inner petal thickened, purple spots on pale lilac which later turns yellow. Old pods terete, Sem long .. ae oo yy D. WOOD 1684 (ac Ve 1972 ae es ’ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wn ~
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