OCR text
se] ‘a c ® m7 va Smal = a S a fe 3) a \\ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN § i EDINBURGH ay ope HUA se aq a r888 ae ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH a Herb. Francis (Buchanan) Hamilton, M.D., F.R.S. ll Mi it = [Presented 1 to ) University OF EDINBURGH, 1830.] 223 oO q Mia, GULP Ley, Original Number. yf 9 40 k O74 aS itacasae Never te. Name, ete., from Dr. H.’s MS. Catalogue, eA en f otenveren. Ye Yo 7 , ms e Leo te CAammaufh a MMAglAAY . : Pores ti line te
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