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HERB. HORT. EDINB. st o un 2 2 © = 10 me Be fs} 9 copyright reserved 4 FLORA OF NEW GUINEA ORCHIDACEAE NAME Riel nents aN A. elata Sekt eka te fae: j Bulolo | Wax Digksict, Nore be @rovinie. HABITAT Saprophyte under ee AT. & 250m. notes Strona thick cooky on erect thirome . fick, 19s Flowers ee (Pats sat Ecunal if atrtouks i" es a ' Collected by “ate Aecure Oe Lataxeen | T.M. REEVE No. Lesa DATE August \98% DUPLICATES LAE, K, L, E, CBG, NOW, E01267117
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